Partnerships Make Our Work Possible

May 31, 2019

Welcome to our latest edition of the Fuller Center of JoCoMo’s newsletter!

It has been a rainy spring, but we are going to build a house in Johnson County this year! We in Johnson County Missouri have partnered with a church in Kansas to build this home for Rachel and her daughter Stella. The generous members of First Church of the Nazarene of Wichita, Kansas built the walls for this house, following our house plans, and sent them to us, in addition to raising the funds for the roof trusses. It’s a small world!

I want to share a bit of Fuller Center history with you today, as you join us moving forward on this build and many others. I’m quoting here our foundational principles:

“We at the Fuller Center for Housing believe that: We are part of a God movement, and movements don’t just stop. We have been called to this housing ministry; we didn’t just stumble into it. We are unashamedly Christian, and enthusiastically ecumenical. We aren’t a church, but we are a servant of the Church. We are faith driven, knowing that after we’ve done all we can do, the Lord will help finish the job — something that requires us to stretch beyond our rational reach. We are a grass-roots ministry, recognizing that the real work happens on the ground in communities around the world through our covenant partners, so a large, overseeing bureaucracy isn’t needed. We try to follow the teachings of the Bible and believe that it says that we shouldn’t charge interest of the poor, so we don’t. Government has a role in our work in helping set the stage, but that we shouldn’t look to it as a means to fund the building of home.”

With those principles in mind, we partner with churches and organizations in our neighborhood, the city we’re building in, the county we are building in, the state we are in, and well beyond. Those generous wall builders were in Kansas. Recipients of our efforts are in 20 countries in our global community. With scores of U.S. affiliates and now dozens of international partnerships, there’s a project here for everyone. So if you’re looking for a working vacation, an RV community to become part of, a group to bicycle cross country with, an opportunity to respond to a national disaster relief effort, or just an excellent excuse to travel, please look into the
Join the Movement ( website and become part of the ministry!

If you would like someone to speak to your group, please reach out and set up an engagement. We would be happy to answer questions and motivate more and more of our neighbors to be a part of the movement. And remember to follow our Facebook updates for build project days. Setting up those walls will be more fun than you’ve had on a Saturday since the rains began {Smiles!}

Ruth Hill, President
Fuller Center for Housing of JoCoMo

P.S. For more information about how the CrossRoads wall building program works, please read this article. Perhaps your church or organization would like to build the walls of a house for a covenant partner this summer.