Ruth Hill decided she wanted to work with Habitat for Humanity when she first learned of it, back in high school. (She respectfully declined answering how long ago that was!) Years later, her long-held dream to invest in the people of this community came true! Although our organization is now an affiliate of the Fuller Center for Housing of JoCoMo, the mission … and Ruth’s goal … remains the same.
Ruth earned her bachelor’s degree in Child and Family Development and more recently a degree from UCM in Crisis and Disaster Management, Emergency Management, and Business Continuity. She currently works in UCM’s Facilities, Planning and Operations Department.
Ruth homeschooled her children (using that Family Development degree). She is part of the body of Christ; a wife, mother, and GRANDmother; a friend, neighbor, and coworker. She likes animals, but says loves people more. Ruth thinks every meal should end with a sugary, sweet dessert and everybody deserves a home.
All of those traits explain why Ruth is dedicated to this project … well, except maybe the sugar addiction ;-).
Her dream job for over a decade was always, “I want to work for Habitat for Humanity.” At her first opportunity, she joined the board in her local community, and remained active through its transition to becoming a Fuller Center for Housing affiliate. She firmly believes that when Jesus asked us to love one another, he described an action verb, not a warm feeling. She also believes that families focus better on the important stuff when they are warm, safe, and secure.
Ruth intends to help extend a Johnson County “hand up” to as many of her neighbors as she is able and invites you to join her by volunteering. She promises there will be sweets!